Wednesday 8 October 2008

Final timetable II

Constitutional - Const. / Contract - Contr. / International - I / Land - L / Supervision (i.e. not a lecture) - S / Tort - T / Week One or Two - W1/2

9am: Const., 12pm: T, 3pm: IS (W2)
9am: I, 10am: Contr., 12pm: T, 5pm: TS (W2)
9am: L, 10am: I, 11am: Const., 3pm: Contr. (W2), 5pm: L (W1)
9am: L, 10am: Const., 12pm: Contr., 3pm: Const. (W2)
10am: Contr., 11am: T, 12pm: L

To explain the Week One and Two part, similar to other universities, Cambridge operates on a numbered weekly system (although different in that their terms only last eight weeks), beginning with one on the first Thursday of the academic term and finishing with eight on the final Friday (more information about Cambridge terms can be found here).

Supervisions alternate on either odd or even weeks; at the minute I've got four supervisions in one, and one in the other, which isn't the ideal arrangement, and hopefully I can change Tort over in Week three, so I'll have work for a fortnight, but then things can even themselves out.

I'll be in a group of anything from two to four for these, and normally have to travel all over the place as the people teaching are spread between four colleges (including my own). My lectures 'officially' start tomorrow, but I've been on the go the past couple of days arranging appointments with the supervisors for the supervisions, and we've already been set quite a bit of work; something which is pretty daunting when you have a grand total of no legal knowledge at present!

I'll try and post later regarding what I've learnt about books.

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